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2005-01-20 - 9:09 p.m.

Dr. Phil gave me the all clear. He even gave me his blessings/best wishes. He says I'm "Noble." Whatever. I have the green light from the crazy Dr, that's all I cared about.
I received my scripts in the mail from the clinic. All 7 of them YIKES! I have 2 scripts for different size needles, and 5 for meds. I have Lupron, Estrace tablets, Crinone Gel, Climara Patches, and Progesterone in Oil. Hooray! I'm ready to go. Just waiting to start my period. Ho Hum. My DepoLupron shot is scheduled for the 26th.(next Wed) Period should start soon after. Then on day 2-4 I go for my baseline ultrasound, then start my Estrace and Climara patches. Then the rest of the meds get brought in one by one. Our transfer should be around the 19th of Feb. HOLY SHIT! I plan to be pissing on sticks soon after. I've already bought a 10 pack of hospital grade pregnancy tests on ebay. Hah! They should be here in a couple of days. I can't wait to pee on them!

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